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Warren Beach (WA 582) continues the trends of the shore and dunes from the mouth of the Meerup River to the larger Warren River, 7.2 km to the northwest. The river may be deflected as much as 1 km to the north or south, causing the actual beach length to accordingly. Sometimes the deflected sand spit forms a separate beach up to 2 km long known as Coolyarbup. The net result is a highly dynamic mouth responding to the high waves, strong winds and wind blown sand, episodic floods and tidal flows. The wide double bar system continues along the beach, with the rips spaced every 500 m, in places producing major rip embayments in the shore. The beach is backed by a continuous 1 km wide deflation basin, then the Callcup Dunes. These active dunes are a series of longwalled parabolics rising to 200 m and extending up to 3 km inland, while the older vegetated dunes reach 8 km inland. The highest dune is 236 m Callcup Hill located just off the Warren Beach track, on the crest of which is a lookout tower. A solitary fishing shack is located nearby. This beach is popular for beach fishing, however be very careful of the strong rips if entering the water.
Beach Length: 7.2km
General Hazard Rating: 8/10

Patrolled Beach Flag Patrols

There are currently no services provided by Surf Life Saving Australia for this beach. Please take the time to browse the Surf Safety section of this website to learn more about staying safe when swimming at Australian beaches. Click here to visit general surf education information.


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SLSA provides this information as a guide only. Surf conditions are variable and therefore this information should not be relied upon as a substitute for observation of local conditions and an understanding of your abilities in the surf. SLSA reminds you to always swim between the red and yellow flags and never swim at unpatrolled beaches. SLSA takes all care and responsibility for any translation but it cannot guarantee that all translations will be accurate.